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Mobile App Development



Mobile App Development

Why Business Mobile App?


In our rapidly evolving world of technologies, businesses have to keep up with the current technology, else they will left behind, and it may become hard just to come up with breakeven. Having their own mobile application has become a foundation of any business’s success.


The mobile software development life-cycle is usually short, requires much more emphasis on screen design, memory management, and processing. There are two dominant platforms in the modern smartphone market. One is the iOS platform from Apple Inc. for iPhones. The other one is Android from Google. The application has to be flexible enough to run on both Apple's IOS and Google's Android systems.

IOS or ANDROID - We Can Do Both

Your App … Your Way​


OFBITSS focuses on user-friendly interface as its primary goal when designing UX/UI. Weather it is Native or Hybrid Apps, Progressive Web Application or HTML5, the users’ limited attention, minimize keystrokes, and be task-oriented with a minimum set of functions are consider when designing mobile apps UI.

Digital social media

Going The Extra Mile… 


We, at OFBITSS, not only developed your application, but if you would like we will assist you in getting the application approved and published by Apple and Google. We can also publish the app through Google’s PlayStore.


And just suppose, if you do not wish to publish your app, because it’s for organization’s internal use only, no problem, OFBITSS can get the app approved for internal distribution.

So, let’s get mobilized and create something digitally marvelous together.

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